The eamba Exchange Team is calling upon you to share your insights about teaching in schools:
mindfulness practice with teachers and staff, with students or with both.
What effects are emerging? How about teacher well-being? Learning capacity? Attention span?
Which impact does mindfulness practice have in the daily life and interactions of teachers and students, and within homes and neighbourhoods?
Featuring the research of Miguel Barata-Gonçalves, Albertina Oliveira and colleagues on teacher well-being and teacher job satisfaction, as well as insights from mindfulness teachers working in schools, and school teachers integrating mindfulness in their offering.
Recommended reading, recent publication by Barata-Gonçalves et al Psychometric Properties of the Mindfulness in Teaching Scale in a Sample of Portuguese Teachers
If you work in schools as mindfulness teacher or if you are a school teacher integrating mindfulness in your offering, then we invite you to share briefly, like 4 minutes. Just tell your story – that’s inspiring!
This allows for 5-6 colleagues to communicate their insights and in return receive feedback from colleagues teaching mindfulness in schools. Simply email to to let us know that you will share briefly.
Mindful Schools and Mindfulness in Teaching are one pilar of mindful societies.
They inspire mindful interactions, build awareness and empathy, nourish compassionate behaviour, strengthen teacher and student well-being. Mindful schools can also lay the foundation for awareness of societal issues and the willingness to act upon that awareness.
Zoom connection communicated with confirmation of your registration.
For last minute access use this link: [please register later if you have not done so yet]
Zoom Meeting (published on the 10th of May)
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