World Meditation Day is celebrated annually since December 2024.
The eamba Community participated from the start in this memorable moment initiated by the UN.
Keep an eye on eamba NEWS to join the eamba Community meditating together on the 21st of December 2025.
The eamba Board will publish a zoom link here.
We sincerely apologise for not having anticipated the great enthusiasm to come online in December 2024; it shows how the eamba Community is motivated to combine forces and bring mindfulness teaching wherever needed and wanted. We will raise capacity for participation.
On the 6th of December 2024, the General Assembly of the United Nations has proclaimed 21 December as World Meditation Day in order to “raise awareness about meditation and its benefits, recalling the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.”
The decision (an initiative from thew member states) follows a conversation between Volker Türk and Jon Kabat Zinn in October ’24.
You can enjoy the full episode published in the UN Podcast.
eamba calls on all mindfulness teachers, researchers and advocates to join forces and engage local policy makers and decision makers to ensure the accessibility of mindfulness practice in order to create mindful societies.
BE WELCOME! These eamba associations, communities and partners co-organised locally in 2024:
- Belgium Flemish: Moment
- Belgium French: ABFM–Association Belge Francophone de Pleine Conscience–Mindfulness
- Czech Republic: Centrum pro mindfulness
- Denmark: Mindfulness Foreningen
- France: Association Française des Enseignants MBSR | AFEM
- Germany: MBSR-MBCT Verband e.V.
- Greece: Mindfulness Teachers Association Greece
- Ireland: Mindfulness Teachers Association of Ireland | MTAI
- Italy: Association AIM – Associazione Italiana per la Mindfulness
- Italy: Rete Insegnanti Mindfulness RIM
- Lithuanian Association of Mindfulness-Based Psychology
- Montenegro: Mindfulness Montenegro
- Netherlands: Vereniging Mindfulness Based Trainers Nederland | VMBN
- Portugal: Conhecer-Se Associação
- Serbia: Mindfulness Srbija
- Slovenia: Društvo za razvijanje čuječnosti
- South Africa: Institute of Mindfulness South Africa – IMISA
- Sweden: Mindfulness based Teachers Association Sweden
- Ukraine: Ukrainian Mindfulness Association
- USA: Mindful Teacher Community Network
- UK The Manchester Mindfulness Festival
- Mindful One Mindfulness Coaching
- IMI Network
- The Mindfulness World Community – MWC
Why does the UN mark International Days?