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The 2024 International Conference on Mindfulness (ICM:24) will be in Bangor, UK and in global hubs internationally during the first weekend of August 2024.

SAVE the DATE: 3 to 6 August 2024, plus pre- and post conference events.

The event will bring together scientists, teachers, and practitioners from different strands of the mindfulness field including traditional contemplative and modern mainstream, with policy makers, service users and the general public. Bangor University is hosting the event in collaboration with the Mindfulness Network charity.

The conference aims to offer a space for connection, conversation, inquiry, and dialogue to support us in discovering how mindfulness can best contribute to the multiple intersecting challenges of the times we are living in:

  • It will bring together mindfulness researchers, trainers, supervisors, teachers, and practitioners, with contemplatives, policy makers, service users and the general public.
  • It will aim to include (as speakers and participants) the voices of those who historically have not been at the table.
  • It  will raise the challenging questions and dilemmas that we are all facing as we inquire into what is most needed in the world at this time.

There will be a conference hub in the Pontio arts centre in Bangor, with simultaneous linked conferences around the world, joining together for the keynotes and plenaries, alongside creating their own local conference content.

Over the coming months, the plans will develop, and partners and sponsors will be invited to engage to make this a truly collaborative conference with the widest possible reach and impact.

What is the conference about?

Bringing diverse perspectives to the table, we aim to catalyse dialogue and inquiry about the ways mindfulness can contribute to current global challenges, from a whole systems perspective which includes science, empiricism and contemplative and traditional ways of knowing. The conference will explore both how mindfulness can contribute to the challenges of social disruption, inequality, lack of inclusion and diversity, and climate and biodiversity breakdown, as well as inquiring into mindfulness approaches in education, workplaces and health and wellbeing.

Accessibility and sustainability

We aim to make the conference as widely and easily accessible as possible, and to be as sustainable as possible. There will be online access, satellite hubs internationally, live interpretation in a range of languages, and sessions will be recorded for future access.

We aim is to keep costs for all attendees as low as possible, and to offer bursary places. Over the next year funding will be sought to help with this and soon there will be a conference website where individuals and organisations will be able to donate to support the conference. At the conference venues themselves, as much as possible will be done to minimise environmental impact.

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