You are here:Home»eamba, News»Dedicated Newsletter for boards of eamba Associations #2

We are faced with a series of great opportunities
brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.

Charles R. Swindoll


  • 5 December- International Volunteer Day
  • eamba & the Power of Collective Action
  • Collective Action to Intensify Communication
  • Next: WAHT to Do?
    • #1 Give visibility to qualified Teachers
    • #2 Encourage innovation
    • #3 Professional communication competence

Dear Board member of eamba Associations,
dear Colleague,
Inviting you to stay close and do whatever we can to align our efforts in communicating the relevance of teacher-led training with evidence-based mindfulness programs to policy makers and decision makers.

International Volunteer Day

Mandated by the UN General Assembly, the International Volunteer Day is held each year on the 5th of December. The UN advocates the recognition of volunteers to integrate volunteerism into development programming, imagining what would happen “if everyone did volunteer”.

The eamba Associations thrive on the work of volunteers.
Therefore, let’s celebrate the efforts of all eamba volunteers active in local associations, who share their values and who support teacher communities.
Extending gratitude to all who generously offer their time, knowledge and skills to ensure smooth-less working of the eamba Associations.

Collective Action to Intensify Communication
In 2023 the theme of the International Volunteer Day is ‘The Power of Collective Action’.
This was at the core of the recent eamba conference: the impact of collective action when intensifying the communication about the depth of mindfulness and the relevance of teacher-led training and practice. Recording & resources of the conference of 29th November.

eamba and the Mindfulness Initiative are joining forces in a European communication campaign.
We are committed to this being inclusive of the whole mindfulness sector and invite all to engage: passion beats pecunia if we are aligned.
Finding ways in which this can enrich our work. Devoted to reducing barriers to mindfulness and to promoting enhanced information, policy development , innovation, diversity and inclusion.


The secret is to surround yourself with people who make your heart smile.
It is then, and only then, that you will find the wonderland.
 (Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll)


Next: WHAT to Do?
Calling all eamba Associations to engage in three priorities:

#1 Give visibility to qualified teachers of evidence-based mindfulness and compassion programs, e.g. send a direct link to your Teacher directory to to be added to the portal of European Teachers and add this link to every communication to publish locally.

#2 Encourage innovation of programs for mindfulness and compassion training. Let colleagues/ authors have their efforts supported. Let IPA evaluate their programs and let eamba endorse them. This informs decision makers about the existence of peer-reviewed programs to serve the diversity of European populations.

#3 Engage professional competence in communication / marketing if you have it or know a colleagues who has.
Please contact the eamba campaign team and participate in the European campaign (mail to:
Your local communication is crucial. We need
– to contact journalists locally
– to translate research publications into understandable moving stories
– to engage competence to apply for funding.

Together we will create a European campaign to align our efforts for consistent communication about evidence-based mindfulness teaching – led by qualified teachers.
Local – for local.

Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind
than the one that they sprung up.
Oliver Wendell Holmes

Essence of eamba
“What really is eamba?”

In essence eamba is a multitude: it exists only as the sum total of the Mindfulness Teachers’ Associations connected in eamba.
And they … they are a force for good: connecting, inspiring and supporting each other and their local members.

How? By promoting the quality of teaching evidence-based mindfulness programs as well as of the quality of teacher training.
The true heroes are the teachers and instructors bringing mindfulness and compassion training to European societies in all their diversity.

Looking forward to meeting you for exchange and inspiration.
eamba Board & Working groups

December 5th,, 2023

PS we might send more of these specific updates meant for board members, delegates, trustees – please forward to them. And .. maybe you have an item to share? Please mail to Thanks!

Dedicated Newsletter for boards of eamba Associations #1

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