Mindfulness, Art and Mental Health – shared by Jolien Posthumus
As mindfulness-based teachers we know the benefits of practicing mindfulness form own experience and from scientific research.
And did you know active and passive engagement in arts has comparable effects?
In 2019 the World Health Organization (WHO) published a report based on 900 scientific research project synthesiings the global evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and overall well-being.
Please join Jolien Posthumus and the eamba Community to explore this topic
Time: Sep 11, 2024 19:00 – 20:30 CEST.
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Jolien translates the evidence-based health care intervention into art intervention, connecting scientific insights (NeuroArts), ancient wisdom and practical exercises. Her programs support participants in dealing with negative thoughts differently, self-awareness and empathy, stress reduction, joyfulness, meaning-making and resilience.
In this eamba Exchange Jolien will explore how art and mindfulness support mental health and she will share some of her practice-based programs.
About Jolien Posthumus
With a background in Applied Arts and health care, Jolien Posthumus curates programs and art meditations that explore the relationship between art, mindfulness and mental health.
As consultant art & mental health, Jolien supports cultural and healthcare institutions to implement the positive impact of art on mental health in their programs. Jolien frequently contributes as public speaker across Europe and beyond. She was the first Program Manager Mental Health appointed to this position in a Dutch Museum.
Jolien had pioneered ‘Mindfulness in Museums’, art experiences that promote mental health and broaden our view of the world.
In 2023/24 Jolien trained the first group of mindfulness teachers to become Trainer Mindfulness in Museums.
In addition to her personal meditation practice, she was trained in MBSR, MBCT, trauma- and neuro sensitive mindfulness.
www.mindfulnessinmuseums.com and www.jolienposthumus.nl.