You are here:Home»Conferences, eamba»Retrospect of ‘Being a Mindfulness Teacher’ – 2022-eamba-Festival

eamba is grateful to the contributors who shared their insights and skills:

2022 eamba Festival contributors
The 2022-eamba Festival was a gift to teachers of mindfulness practices.
You can continue to benefit from the resources shared and the recordings of the presentations, listed here below.

Making space for SUPERVISION.
Barry Lee, Susan Barrett and Sheena Burke, colleagues from  the Mindfulness Teachers Association of Ireland (MTAI) invited the eamba Community to share an open and friendly space to dialogue together on a mindfulness supervision. The MTAI Supervision sub-group also created some videos on this theme to inspire the conversation on mindfulness supervision and these are available for you. This unit was facilitated by Katharina Mullen, MOMENT, Belgium and Teresa Ranieri, Conhecer-Se associação, Portugal – both eamba Board members.
Details (no recording available)

POETRY and MUSIC in the transmission of mindfulness practice.
A presentation and dialogue on how poetry and music can support the understanding of mindfulness principles and deepen mindfulness practice.
Gloria Heffernan and Camilla Genee. This unit was facilitated by Katharina Mullen, MOMENT, Belgium and eamba Board member.
Details [PDF]…

INQUIRY: The art of Inquiry in transmitting mindfulness practice
sharing by and with Tatini Petra Schmidt (MBSR-MBCT Verband Deutschland).
Inquiry is used as an art in teaching mindfulness and implementing teaching points with curiosity and care into our courses. This unit was facilitated by Sherida Pengel, VMBN Netherlands and eamba Board member.
Details [PDF]…

Trauma Sensitivity – focused on MBRP – mindfulness-based relapse prevention
Eva Amundsen, {Norsk forening Mindfulness-Lærere MBSR/MBCT] shared her experiences with trauma reactions in groups. This unit was facilitated by Camilla Sköld (MBTA Mindfulness Based Teacher Association Sweden) and eamba Board member.

Stéphane Nau (AFEM-Association Française des Enseignants MBSR) shared a process for intervision developed with his colleagues within AFEM. This unit was facilitated by Eugenio Correnti (AFEM-Association Française des Enseignants MBSR and ADM) and eamba Board member.

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