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Awareness, Care and Sustainability for Our Earth:
Bringing Inner Development and Climate Action Together

Organised by MBSR & ECO-AWARENESS, supported by eamba.

DATE: Friday, March 7, 2025
TIME: 5:00 to 7:00 PM CET (convert to your time zone:

ONLINE event via ZOOM.
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REGISTRATION via this webpage of MBSR & Eco-Awareness.

Can connecting our own inner mindfulness with outer sustainability
help us turn toward our future with strength and resilience?

Given the increasing pace and harms of climate change, we can sense the rising call for our most powerful actions to heal our relationship with Earth.
Developing an embodied understanding of our interconnectedness with all life on the Earth is deeply needed, now.


  • Bruce Barrett MD PhD is a family physician, tenured professor, and vice chair for research in the University of Wisconsin Department of Family Medicine and Community Health.
  • Jamie Bristow is a writer linking inner and outer transformation, and a policy advisor on the application of inner development and contemplative practices in public life.
  • Margaret Fletcher trained and is certified to teach MBSR through the Center for Mindfulness at UMass Medical School, where she also served as an MBSR Teacher and Senior MBSR Teacher Trainer. 
  • Jon Kabat-Zinn, professor emeritus of medicine at UMass Medical School, where he founded the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society (in 1995), and (in 1979) the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Clinic.
  • Liane Stephan,  Awaris – providing neuroscience and mindfulness-based leadership programs for global organizations. Lianne also co-founded the Inner Green Deal in 2022.
  • Christine Wamsler, professor of Sustainability Science Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies, founder & director of the Contemplative Sustainable Futures Program, a Mind & Life Fellow, former co-director of the Societal Resilience Centre. 

In this online gathering, you’ll find: 

  • Evidence for how mindfulness supports sustainability behavior, and means for nurturing and developing your own resilience.
  • Mindfulness-based methods for creating climate action, grounded in awareness of interconnection and care for the Earth.
  • Tools for mindfulness teachers to bring Earth awareness to life for students and practitioners.

This time together will include presentation, question and answer, and guided practice, plus small and large group discussion. Presenters will discuss contemplative methods that help to reconnect to oneself, and nature and our more-than-human kin. Participants will connect, share and learn about ways to explore these methods further from each other and through a variety of upcoming programs.

All are welcome and encouraged to register!
If you can’t make it to the gathering, a recording will be available within a week of the live event.

Please join this timely, caring introduction to the science and practice of climate resilience and Earth care.

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