eamba Exchange provides a bi-weekly open space for the mindfulness teachers’ community to meet, to support each other and to learn.
Each eamba Exchange meeting is a structured dialogue focusing on a theme that is relevant for the teachers’ community.
In general, the dialogues are conducted in a charming concert of voices colouring the English language with local styles and accents.
To address wishes for translation, eamba has installed the Zoom functionality for real time translations.
You can set the speaking language for captions of your preference, here is how:
Next to the Show Captions button, click the up caret button.
Click the Speaking language: English menu and then select the appropriate language the captions should be generated from.
The meetings of eamba Exchange are recorded and published on the eamba YouTube channel.
If you wish your video / photo / name to not be visible on the published video, please remember to turn off your camera during the meeting and to substitute your name by (initials and) country name to protect your privacy.
If you are (unexpectedly) unable to participate, please do register to have earlier access to the recording.
To participate or receive a link to the recording, please register here.
Feel welcome to contact the eamba Exchange service team at exchange@eamba.net.
Upcoming Dates & Topics
- eamba Exchange meetings with guests
see overview in UPCOMING events.
To participate please register here, also if you wish to find the recording,∞
- eamba Intervision meetings for peer reflection
- Zoom. Meeting ID: 821 7041 6939 | Passcode: 552180
see overview in UPCOMING events.
Upcoming Dates & Topics
- eamba Exchange meetings with guests
see overview in UPCOMING events.∞
- eamba Intervision meetings for peer reflection
- Zoom. Meeting ID: 821 7041 6939 | Passcode: 552180
see overview in UPCOMING events.