Sweden: Mindfulness based Teachers Association Sweden | MBTASweden
The overall intention is to promote the development and dissemination of high-quality mindfulness-based programmes that have well-documented empirical support through meta-analyses and that are recommended by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare, thus currently MBSR and MBKT.
The specific intention is:
- to support, develop and disseminate MBSR and MBKT in health care, education, research and society at large
- to collaborate with and participate in international networks and associations that promote and adhere to global criteria for quality of teaching and training and ethical principles for MBSR and MBKT
- to follow developments in the definition and criteria of other Mindfulness-Based Programmes, MBP
- to promote contact and information between students, teachers, teacher trainers in MBSR and MBKT and others interested in these programmes
- to promote information (e.g. on research) on MBSR and MBKT to the public, authorities and political bodies
Activities are carried out on a national level with the intention of organising annual meetings and other events around Sweden.
The Association shall seek to achieve its above-mentioned intention by
- informing and negotiating with public and private bodies with the intention of being a referral body in the field
- to provide information and referral services for trained and prospective teachers of MBSR or MBKT and for clients/patients seeking these programmes with qualified teachers
- that the Association has representatives in the international networks and associations working for and following global criteria for teacher and education quality
- to organise networking, information meetings and retreats
- to work on ethical issues nationally and internationally
- disseminate information and inspiration through the website and other channels
- to include additional programmes that meet the definition and criteria of Mindfulness-Based Programmes, MBP, and that have well-documented empirical support
Urban retreat with Stephan Pende Wormland, psychologist, former munk in the Tibetan tradition and international teacher. He will come to Stockholm, Sweden June 18-22, 2023. The retreat will be in English and is offered both online and IRL.
For more information and registration…