Ukrainian Mindfulness Association
The primary mission of the Organization is to join efforts of its members in order to promote Mindfulness in Ukraine, which means the fulfillment and protection of rightful social, economic, creative, professional and other interests of its members.
In order to fulfill the mission we define these major lines of activity of UMA:
- to promote professional training for the members of the Organization
- to provide assistance for the members of the Organization in studying and implementing the experience of international practice
- to cooperate with similar foreign Organizations
- to promote the participation of the Organization members in international conferences, symposia, congresses and to invite specialists from other countries in order to exchange professional information and experience
- to assist in the Organization of all-Ukrainian, international conferences, seminars, and meetings
- to conduct seminars, symposia, conferences, consultations, meetings, training, and groups on mindfulness-oriented approaches and programs
- to provide assistance for the members of the Organization in raising awareness as well as spreading knowledge about mindfulness among the population, including cooperation with mass media
- to provide services to the population in the form of advisory, coaching, preventive and educational activities, specialized (medical) practice, rehabilitation and other activities in the field of health care under the appropriate permit (license) for such activities
- to assist in the Organization of social and volunteer work aimed at awareness development
- to participate in fundamental and applied scientific research on the use of mindfulness
- to participate in the implementation of scientific and educational programs related to the implementation of mindfulness
- to promote the development of publishing and information activities, to carry out editorial and publishing activities and distribute literature, create electronic resources on mindfulness, as well as spread knowledge about mindfulness among the population, including the cooperation with mass media
- to conduct educational and cultural events related to the dissemination of knowledge about mindfulness approaches
- to assist in providing the population of Ukraine with professional instructor support in the field of awareness development
- to promote training of qualified specialists in mindfulness-approach courses in Ukraine
- to disseminate scientific information about research on mindfulness in the professional environment of Ukrainian instructors
- to participate in international programs of research and implementation of mindfulness
- to fully implement other rights of a legal entity which correspond the activities of the Organization