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“Trauma Sensitivity”: the contribution of Eva Amundsen to the 2022-eamba Festival on ‘Being a Mindfulness Teacher’. Eva is the president of Norsk forening Mindfulness-Lærere MBSR/MBCT the MBP-Teacher Association in Norway, a Member of eamba.

Eva AmundsenTrauma sensitivity is indispensable for all MBP-teachers.
Beyond the general attentiveness of a teacher, latest research and teaching has emphasised the necessity for teachers to have knowledge of possible implications of traumatic experiences. This fosters the ability to be trauma sensitive in our guiding and in the way we relate to the group, as well as being able to recognise if participants are overwhelmed and in “survivor mode”. Knowledge of trauma helps us to respond skilfully to the participants’ reactions.

Eva is a clinical psychologist. She trained as MBSR/MBCT teacher with IMA (Institute for Mindfulness based Approaches) in 2013, and she has a master’s degree in Mindfulness- based approaches from Bangor University (2019).

Eva’s first introduction to Mindfulness was through Dialectical Behavior Therapy in 2007, and she developed a deeper personal practice from about 2010. She has delivered MBSR and MBCT courses three to six times each year since she finished her teacher training in 2013. From 2016 she offered mostly MBCT courses in a mental health clinic in Oslo.

Eva works part-time as a clinical psychologist with substance use disorders and part-time in a private practice. She offers MBPs and individual therapy based on Mindfulness.

The presentation of Eva is available as [PDF]…

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