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On Thursday 24 November 2022, Barry Lee, Sheena Burke and Susan Barrett, the Supervision sub-group of the Mindfulness Teachers’ Association of Ireland (MTAI) invited the eamba Community to an exchange on ‘Making space for supervision’.

MTAI Supervision Sub group

We wondered together, in experiential & whole-hearted ways:

  • What do we ‘know’ of mindfulness supervision from our direct experience?
  • What form do we appreciate most? Where and when does supervision fit  in our practice as mindfulness teachers? If at all?
  • What do we need from mindfulness supervision? Where are our edges?  What gets in the way? What have been our particular joys?

We experienced an open and friendly space to dialogue leading to connection, practice and dialogue while exploring our edges and celebrating our joys in mindfulness supervision.
The MTAI Supervision sub-group created some videos to inspire the conversation on mindfulness supervision:

  • The bell of mindfulness supervision! – recording
  • What- Why Supervision? The beginnings – recording
  • A Professional, Safe Relational Space – recording
  • Misconceptions and Obstacles? – recording
  • Making Space – recording
  • ‘Seeing Clearly’ – recording
  • more …
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