You are here:Home»IPA, Masterclasses, MBP-Protocols»Recording of the Masterclass IPA – criteria for developers of Mindfulness-based Programs

The Team of IPA – the International Panel for the Acknowledgement of Mindfulness-based Programs – offered a masterclass to qualified mindfulness and compassion Teachers who are developing a new program or are considering to: why, when, and how to adapt? Here is the link to the RECORDING and to the PRESENTATION.pdf

On the 29th of February 2024 this masterclass informed developers to create their program in a way as to be compliant with the IPA criteria.


The IPA Team consists of a pool of international professionals – teachers and researchers – and operates independently under the umbrella of eamba. The reason for creating IPA was a logical consequence of an increase in mindfulness-based training – both in scope and in diversity – and a need to evaluate the relevance and evidence base of these MBPs.

The intention of IPA is to enable developers with different backgrounds and resources. IPA promotes safe, ethical and inclusive practices in the field of evidence-based secular mindfulness teaching.

Recognition of MBPs is meant to support endeavours to best serve a greater diversity of populations and contexts, and to inform decision makers about programs which honour the essentials of mindfulness teaching, while being innovative.

More information on the IPA evaluation process.
IPA acknowledged programs.

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