IPA evaluated Finding Peace in a Frantic World by Mark Williams and Danny Penman, and endorsed it without condition.
Finding Peace in a Frantic World meets the criteria established by IPA, ensuring the quality and integrity of the program.
Key in Finding Peace in a Frantic World is the adaptation from MBCT to meet the specific needs of the target population of the program.
Recognition is granted for a period of 3 years.
Finding Peace in a Frantic World is an adaptation of MBCT designed for the general population in a wide range of contexts, including educational settings and workplaces. It is a ‘lower dose’ course than MBCT, with shorter sessions and practices. It includes most of the practices and exercises found in MBCT along with several additional ones, and teaches skills both for working with distress and for cultivating wellbeing. Its efficacy is supported by several empirical studies showing reductions in many forms of distress and increases in mindfulness, self-compassion and wellbeing.